Outcomes of the EU Project WELLy: Introducing the Job Profile of a Manager for Work Well-being to Prevent and Combat Work-related Stress


Introducing the Job Profile of a Manager for Work Well-being to Prevent and Combat Work-related Stress.

The way employees are managed is a key determinant of their health and well-being (Skakon et al 2010, Kelloway and Barling 2010).

The WELLy project aims to map the competencies that a manager should own to be able to implement a correct approach for preventing and reducing stress at work.

Through the ‘Work Well-Being  Manager VET Training Course” learners will be able to stimulate self experience and impact knowledge about the wide range of approaches in human resources management with a special attention to guarantee a holistic approach to wellbeing on the workplace.

The overall project aims to encourage a proactive approach and highlight the significant role managers can play in reducing the problems of stress. 


The Welly project adopts an holistic approach on identifying the transformation of the HR Managers into their becoming to WWM (Work Well being Managers) by introducing the SMART Working Methodology where communication and digitalisation build new working environments, demand alternative leadership strategies by highlighting and celebrating wellbeing-orientated behaviours and also walking the walk themselves, towards creating and managing a balanced, well, and successful life.

  1. Visit the WELLy project outcomes page and check out the resources available to you. 


More specifically: 

Getting in the Welly Outcomes section, you can 

  •  become  aware of the necessary elements ( Knowledge, Skills and Competences) that reply to the role of a  WWM (Work Well being Manager) 
  • understand  what is the learning process (Curriculum and Training Course) to follow to get into the   transformation as WWM,  in the domains of Communication, Team Building, Digital Organisational skills, Health and Safety. 
  • read the Unit3 of the Manual  where  STRATEGIES TO MANAGE ISSUES RELATED TO MENTAL HEALTH IN THE WORKPLACE are provided with tools on handling stress, resolution of conflict, encouraging and motivation as also group dynamics and coaching (etc)

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Project Number: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000086525

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