They have created a Support Unit within the consolidated company to achieve the insertion and labour adaptation and the personal and social development of its staff.

Grupo Osga, a company that started working in the Facility Services sector in 1998. They say their business policy and values have led them to experience continuous growth, becoming one of the leading companies in this sector at the national level.  It is committed to the labour integration of people with disabilities or at risk of social exclusion.

All this management is done in accordance with the regulations established by the Compliance system with which they acquire a commitment to good practices. Their system of prevention and detection of irregularities keeps them as a company committed to good practices.

This OER aims to demonstrate  a good practice of a Spanish company that  has created a Support Unit for the well being of its employees.

The support units work by cataloguing the personnel by their specific profile in order to better meet their needs. Since their entry into the company they divide the profiles between severe and non-severe, in order to be more attentive to those people who may need more attention.

This organisation developed a Support Unit devoted to well-being and benefits. From the Support and Adjustment Unit the company wants to ensure that its staff develops all their skills and abilities in order to make the transition to the ordinary company.

From all the departments of the company, both the people in charge of zone management, operations and administration and the Selection and Support Unit area, support the contracted personnel and are coordinated to always be able to give an answer and manage any complications. 

Their aim is to promote and improve their quality of life in the personal, emotional, professional, social, etc. For this purpose, Grupo Osga has signed several collaboration agreements with professionals and companies. The company offers better conditions to access physiotherapy services, coaching, dental health, optics, etc.


On the prevention of psychosocial risks, Grupo Osga highlights the existence of the personalised itinerary for workers with mental health problems, since it covers different areas of their lives in addition to work. It makes it possible for them to advance and prevent possible psychosocial risks “We try to move towards the personal development of the worker. Therein lies the richness of the support units.

Step 1: Creating the Support Unit and Committee


On a day-to-day basis, it is important to be close to the people who make up the staff who may have mental health problems. 


There are some aspects to take into account to improve their incorporation into the company, such as: 

  • Offer the detailed organisation of the tasks you have to perform. 
  • Transmit clear and specific data about the job: schedule, location of the center, whether you will work alone or not. 
  • That there is a modality of employment with support when incorporating.
  • That there is listening and accompaniment. 
  • Flexibility laboral. 
  • Dialogue to minimise possible conflicts. 
  • Actions to promote group cohesion in the workforce


Step 2: Develop some activities as the following:


  • Reception and initial evaluation
  • Integration assessment
  • Performance evaluation
  • Individual and personalised itinerary
  • Complementary, pre-employment and specialised training
  • Recreational, sports and cultural activities

Step 3: Agreements with other collaborators

Identify relevant collaborators to provide personal well-being or be implemented within your team or department. 


Step 4: Extra support to take care of the well-being of the people hired and that they take into account in this company


  • Emotional salary. Activities to make you feel part of the company and with the possibility of promotion.
  •  Specific needs of each person: salary, rest and type of day.


Thanks to all these steps and guidelines that are carried out, the possible psychosocial risks that may arise in the company are minimised and all the people on staff are attended to

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Project Number: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000086525

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