program BeHealthy

Santander Bank company In our daily activity we not only meet our legal and regulatory obligations, but we aspire to exceed people’s expectations.

We focus on areas where, as a Group, our activity can have the greatest impact, contributing to the progress of more people and companies in an inclusive and sustainable way.

Our History:It began in 1857. We have more than a century of history that has given us the tools and experiences to be who we are today.


BeHealthy,  it is an initiative in which we promote healthy lifestyle habits among our workers both inside and outside of the workplace.

This OER aims to disclose a best practice focused on trust in corporate culture. According to the i initiative Behealthy.

When it comes to taking care of the health of a bank, it is almost always related to improving its economic situation or the value of the brand

But there is another health factor that must also be taken care of to achieve objectives that make a company grow: that of the employees’ health. The health and well-being of workers are aspects that any company must take into account.

The Santander bank group  wants its workers to lead a healthy lifestyle both outside and inside their facilities. To achieve this goal, years ago they designed the global health and wellness program BeHealthy.

Behealthy program works on:

  1. Days to promote healthy lifestyle habits: We show all our employees the benefits of adopting healthy habits in their lives, through different initiatives based on food, physical activity, prevention of your health and emotional balance.
  2. The slogan “Your well-being, from head to toe”, also seeks to focus on social relationships, thus establishing a balance between physical, mental and social health.

Building trust in corporate culture is an ongoing process that requires HR managers’ commitment and dedication. By cultivating a supportive and caring environment, employees will feel valued and motivated, leading to increased well-being and enhanced overall performance. You can follow these steps: 

Step 1: Based on advanced analytics, big data and visualisation tools

Conduct a comprehensive survey or interviews with employees to gauge their needs, concerns, and expectations related to work-life balance, mental health, and well-being.

Analyse the findings to identify areas where trust can be enhanced, and employees’ work-life balance and well-being can be better supported.


Step 2: Implement trust-building measures 

Design and implement education and training programs focused on mental health and well-being based on these axes:

  1. Know your numbers: Know and monitor health indicators
  2. Move: Avoid sedentary lifestyle
  3. Be balanced: issues between body and soul.
  4. Eat well: Healthy nutrition

Step 3: Monitor and evaluate impact 

Regularly assess the effectiveness of the trust-building measures through feedback, surveys, and performance metrics.

Engage in open communication with employees to understand their experience with the implemented practices and identify areas for improvement.

Continuously adapt and refine the well-being initiatives to better meet employee needs and enhance trust in the corporate culture.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Project Number: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000086525

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