Brico Salud, a health and wellness program for all its employees

 Brico Depôt is a large international corporation. It belongs to the Kingfisher group present throughout Europe, and is currently number one in its sector to improve home and DIY. In Spain, under the range of Brico Depôt Iberia, there are 2,400 employees, managed from Barcelona, with 28 stores throughout Spain and 3 in Portugal. For their stores in Castilla y León they collaborate with the association Salud Mental León and have an agreement with the “Incorpora” program of La Caixa. Thanks to this program, they disseminate job offers and collaborate with local entities to carry out various actions of collaboration and inclusion.

The company has several actions to care for and prevent psychosocial risks among its workers, whether or not they have disabilities. The technical professional of Occupational Risk Prevention (PRL) for the northern region in Brico Depôt Iberia, highlights among these actions his web platform BRICO SALUD.

Brico Dept Iberia launches Brico Salut, a platform that aims to take care of the physical and mental well-being of its employees, making available a series of materials to make this possible. Based on three fundamental pillars -physical activity, nutrition and hydration and personal and emotional well-being-, Brico Salut collects very useful information prepared by specialists in the different categories. The arrival of telework after the health crisis of COVID-19 has resulted in the isolation and reduction of social and labour relations, as well as sedentary lifestyles which has meant a greater need to maintain good healthy living habits both physically and mentally.

On the website you can find a wide range of courses or workshops that are proposed. 

The main objectives of most of these courses is to reduce stress, thus favouring mental health care. They encourage physical activity, emotional positivity and healthy habits. 

Working people are invited to participate in online classes of yoga, pilates and meditation techniques, something that is well received by the staff. 

In this internal platform there is a section called “Love yourself” where you can find mindfulness content and sensory and emotional training exercises. It offers the possibility of working on activities to learn to breathe better, and is committed to the positive mentality, the power of gratitude and other concepts, which improve physical and mental health. In addition, welcome courses are offered for new hires, which makes their feeling of belonging to the company start from the very beginning.

Step 1: Researching Brico Depot Iberia

Explore Brico Depot Iberia’ website, sustainable reports, and published articles to understand their best practices and initiatives for employee well-being. Take note of the values and principles they prioritise in their approach to well-being.


Step 2: Analysing the website 

 through two universal access platforms – one for store employees and another for headquarters employees – wants to ensure the inclusion and well-being of all its employees by offering them the opportunity to access a point of sale. virtual meeting with various activities that will be renewed monthly in order to offer updated content. 


Step 3: Drawing inspiration

Take inspiration from Brico Health website to implement similar initiatives within your own company. The activities and contents designed by the Quirn Prevención Healthy Business Team will be carried out in a streaming format, highlighting contents such as Telework Management, Meditation Techniques, COVID Tips; or the creation of sports tournaments or internal leagues in order to be able to continue generating team with teammates beyond working hours.


Step 4: Adapting for your  company

Customise and adapt the activities from Brico health website to fit the unique needs and culture of your own company. Ensure that the initiatives you choose resonate with your employees and align with your organisation’s mission and values.


Step 5: Implementing and monitoring

Implement the selected well-being initiatives and programs in your company. Monitor their effectiveness and gather feedback from employees to continuously improve and fine-tune the practices.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Project Number: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000086525

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