Wellbeing: Innovation in Employee Care

Fydjob manages people’s potential, performance and engagement is the field of activity where companies are still failing to harness the incredible power of technology. In this way, they continue to lose human capital – the most important part of any business.

By analysing business needs, Fydjob creates an easily accessible, holistic platform that brings together the best of the two essential components – people and technology. The platform offers a personalised approach, for both B2B and B2C, in finding the most appropriate and balanced team of specialists and the most favorable career development solution for each professional.

This OER aims to give a good practice of Bulgarian companies for developing and promoting the well being of its employees.

The key concept is that a healthy and happy employee is more willing to work and engage with the company’s cause, providing more significant added value.

The approaches in this OER focuses on the key details for a company to include in its wellbeing program:

  • Group activities
  • Setting boundaries
  • Changing the work environment 
  • Creating healthy habits in the workplace
  • Communication

Step 1: Understand the value of a healthy workplace

Employees who feel happy generate positive energy that is not only useful for their own working capacity, but also encourages other team members.

An employer who is committed to the well-being of his employees can prevent frequent illnesses, burnout syndrome and even accidents. The implementation of wellbeing programs is the step towards improving the essential company culture.


Step 2: Set Beneficial mental health boundaries 

Favorable mental health boundaries are the driving force behind success in the workplace. Businesses that make it their mission to recognise and protect the mental well-being of their employees often find that they not only have a happier team, but also monitor better performance in their duties. 

According to the Harvard Business Review, 60-80% of workplace accidents are due to poor stress management. Therefore, employers who prioritise mental health are far far less likely to see absenteeism due to illness or burnout syndrome within their team. 


Step 3: Develop some activities as the following:

  • Team building events – as naturally social creatures, it’s important for our mental health to create relationships that can turn into friendship and trust. Team building is the gift that supports this trend. By implementing team-building exercises, employees and employers continue to learn and grow as one unstoppable unit.
  • Promote healthy eating habits – balanced diet and drinking plenty of water, is often forgotten when it comes to introducing a well-being program in the office. One of the easiest ways to start a healthy work culture is to raise awareness and promote healthy eating plans, in the form of creative workshops. They will encourage employees to take a step back and review their own eating habits.

Talk about mental health – Introducing helpful procedures into your well-being plan that address stress will make employees feel listened to and accepted. Starting a conversation about mental health encourages those struggling to come forward without fear of losing their jobs because of the stigma. A simple “How are you?” can change someone’s day. Imagine what impact you can make by holding regular mental health seminars.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Project Number: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000086525

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