The purpose of this OER is to give visibility on how small companies can easily make good environments in terms of well-being.
The methods adopted by Untile were simple and focused on four outstanding practices:
1)Temporal and spatial flexibility – there is no set work schedule, each one works at the time that is most convenient for him/her, as long as the objectives and commitments assumed are respected and achieved. Each one chooses whether to work remotely, face-to-face or hybrid.
2) Extra rest time – on the afternoon of the last Friday of each month the company closes, in addition to each employee having four extra vacation days per year.
3) Wellness program – Focused on mental health, with a daily crisis helpline and six free psychology/psychiatry/psychotherapy consultations per year.
4) Annual productivity award – based on the performance of the team, depending on the results achieved by the company in view of the previously defined and communicated objectives. It rewards more for the results achieved by the team and not so much for individual goals.
Step 1: Flexible work arrangements
Offer flexible work hours and remote work options to accommodate employees’ needs and preferences.
Step 2: Time for rest and relaxation
Provide additional time off, such as a monthly early closure and extra vacation days, to promote work-life balance.
Step 3: Mental health support
Implement a well-being program with daily crisis support and regular psychology/psychiatry/psychotherapy consultations.
Step 4: Performance-based rewards
Offer annual productivity bonuses based on team performance, promoting a collaborative work environment.
Step 5: Customised approach
Tailor the work environment to meet the unique needs of employees, valuing their growth and well-being.
Step 6: People-first philosophy
Prioritize employee well-being, believing that a happy and supported team leads to successful outcomes.
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