Winning company of the Wellbeing Awards 2022 bets on a business culture that guarantees the comfort of employees from recruitment. Xerox Portugal is the winner of the Wellbeing Awards 2022 in the category of companies with up to 250 employees for promoting quality of life and corporate well-being. Among the strategies adopted by the award-winning company is the constant reception and support of employees from the recruitment process. In addition to the awards, the measures adopted by Xerox Portugal also help to avoid quiet quitting, since happy employees are more motivated and committed, according to a recent study by the Harvard Business Review.
This OER aims to disclose a best practice focused on trust in corporate culture. According to the article, Research indicates that trust in the corporate culture is a way to balance the focus on results and the well-being of teams by both parties assuming a mutual commitment. That is, if employees trust the leaders, the expectation is that their balance and well-being will be assured and therefore the delivery of the expected results will happen naturally. Xerox Portugal adopted a series of measures, such as education and training programs with the theme of mental health, psychological and financial support extended to the families of employees. Employees also have curative medicine consultations in the office or online, extended family health insurance 100% paid by Xerox, workplace gymnastics and time management training. In addition, the company offers incentives for parenting with the attribution of a bonus for each child born or adopted and a subsidy for their studies up to the age of 24. Those who work at Xerox Portugal also benefit from a flexible schedule program and even have the possibility of extra vacation days. |
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Номер на проекта: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-VET-