Headspace: Mindful Meditation

Headspace’s aim as an application is to provide mindfulness tools for everyday life including meditations, sleep casts, mindful movement and focus exercises. It serves as somewhat of a one-stop-shop for young people to practise meditation as it incorporates elements of both calming and insightful meditation.

The Headspace application uses habit changing techniques to support users’ mental health whilst guiding users to healthier, happier habits. People have access to different toolkits such as articles, meditation techniques, sleep advice, stress relief guides including videos, infographics and mindfulness tips and advice. There are different plans available to users that are tailored for people’s individual needs, so Headspace feels very personal.

The Headspace app is a great tool for HR Managers, Team Leaders, or VET Professionals to use for stress reduction, improved focus, enhanced wellbeing, and reduced burnout. 

The app can be provided to employees with tailored access to the resources it provides to manage stress, anxiety, and other challenges they may be facing. 

There are daily mindfulness practices offered by the app that could be beneficial to keep people motivated within their work. These activities enhance people’s abilities to concentrate and keep focused and should be incorporated into the weekly working week. This regular practice will keep teams and employees and yourself from burning out as a balance between work and wellbeing can be found.

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Номер на проекта: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000086525

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