ANTARTE is a Portuguese company that produces furniture pieces. In 2023 was recognised with the Equal Pay seal awarded by the Commission for Equality in Labor and Employment – CITE, which annually distinguishes Portuguese companies. The distinction is given to companies that have a wage inequality rate between women and men between 1% and -1%.
In Portugal, the salary difference between women and men fell from 16% in 2015 to 11.9% in 2021, according to Eurostat data. This OER aims to inspire HR managers whose companies do not meet these criteria to create practices that can be in line with these goals with a view to their recognition in the medium term.
The definition of companies to be distinguished is based on the salary balances that all companies submit in the Single Report.
The Equal Pay Seal OER, exemplified by ANTARTE’s recognition from the Commission for Equality in Labour and Employment (CITE), significantly contributes to well-being. By narrowing the gender pay gap, it enhances economic well-being and promotes a socially inclusive workplace. The step-by-step guide empowers HR managers to implement practices that support organisational performance and employee well-being. Through transparency, training, and policy updates, the OER advocates for a fair workplace culture, addressing economic, social, and individual well-being dimensions.
Step 1: Review current salary data Begin by conducting a comprehensive review of your company’s salary data, specifically focusing on the gender pay gap. Utilise data from the Single Report to understand the existing disparities and identify areas that need improvement.
Step 2: Establish baseline metrics Calculate the current wage inequality rate between women and men in your organisation. Use the formula provided by the Commission for Equality in Labor and Employment (CITE) to determine the percentage difference.
Step 3: Conduct a pay equity analysis Perform a thorough pay equity analysis to identify any unjustifiable wage gaps within job roles and levels. This analysis should consider factors such as job responsibilities, experience, and performance.
Step 4: Develop a pay equity plan Based on the findings of the pay equity analysis, create a detailed plan to address and rectify any identified wage gaps. This may involve adjustments to current salary structures, promotions, or additional training opportunities.
Step 5: Implement transparent compensation policies Promote transparency in your organisation’s compensation policies. Clearly communicate the criteria and factors that determine salary levels, and ensure that employees understand how their pay is determined.
Step 6: Provide training on equal pay Offer training sessions for managers and employees on the importance of equal pay and strategies to eliminate unconscious biases in the workplace. This can contribute to a more inclusive and fair salary-setting process.
Step 7: Regularly monitor and update policies Establish a system for ongoing monitoring of pay equity within your organisation. Regularly review and update your compensation policies to ensure they remain aligned with the goals of reducing the gender pay gap.
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